Dear Unknown, I forgive you. I do not hold any resentment, anger or ill-will towards you. You took part in shaping the person I am today; you made me laugh, cry and scream out in anger. I thank you, because you were an important lesson I needed to learn. This is goodbye. I wish you all the happiness in the world and that you reach your goals. I am saying farewell, because I need to move on and distance myself from this past. To reach my own goals and to find my own happiness. What you did is forgivable, but I won't forget. I won't forget; how you turned your back on me, said hurtful things and manipulated me. How you talked behind my back and judged me, while you put on a different face in front of me. The way you made me trust you, used my words against me and made me look like a villain. I forgive you for me. I forgive you, because I will no longer live with anger and sadness in my heart. I will continue to walk on my own path, leaving all the negativity behind.Expressing your feelings and letting them out into the world is healthy. Don't bottle up and hold it all in, at some point, it will catch up with you. Don't sacrifice your happiness for the sake of others- that sadness or anger in your heart will make itself visible. If we can't resolve our problems, then saying goodbye can be the best thing to do.