Have you ever heard the saying "Do one thing that scares you a day"? I bet you've seen this quote many times and thought "hmm...I like that". Well, I like it too!
I like the idea of trying new things without fear, embarrassment or judgement. I'm not saying to go skydiving or get a tattoo, which if you want too then by all means go for it- what I'm talking about are those small goals, the things that you never wanted to try because you feared failure or simply got lazy.
Those things that you kept putting off and never got around to doing because "life got in the way". These are the things that I want to tackle this school year, I want to prove that I can achieve everything I set my mind to, that if I want something all I have to do is try and that hardwork and determination, really do create results.
I want to "do something that scares me everyday" and that's being completely free of the "what if". I am my own worst enemy and I won't let doubt get in my way any longer.
What is your school year resolution?
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